The FSWD / Identity and Territory exhibition is conceived as a living “entity” in its itinerancies, so the pieces on display may vary from one exhibition to another, incorporating local designs and/or designs linked to the territory in which the exhibition is installed.
Santiago de Compostela CGAC: Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo (Galician Contemporary Art Centre)
Santiago de Compostela CGAC: Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo (Galician Contemporary Art Centre)
From 14 October 2021 to 30
January 2022
From 14 October 2021 to 30 January 2022

Concerning exhibition design
Planned with an itinerant intention, FSWD / Identity and Territory looks to the future to travel to different cities and countries with the idea of sharing with different audiences this ambitious and at the same time modest X-ray of the current panorama of Spanish design and its best voices. This was the challenge of the exhibition design, developed by Enorme Estudio, the result of a call for projects. It proposes an exhibition that can be replicated in a responsive format, adaptable to different sizes, number of projects, spaces and is fundamentally based on pieces – pedestals that have been produced by hand in Galicia, with Galician wood and with the support of the Galician Forestry Industry Agency.
Concerning exhibition design
Planned with an itinerant intention, FSWD / Identity and Territory looks to the future to travel to different cities and countries with the idea of sharing with different audiences this ambitious and at the same time modest X-ray of the current panorama of Spanish design and its best voices. This was the challenge of the exhibition design, developed by Enorme Estudio, the result of a call for projects. It proposes an exhibition that can be replicated in a responsive format, adaptable to different sizes, number of projects, spaces and is fundamentally based on pieces – pedestals that have been produced by hand in Galicia, with Galician wood and with the support of the Galician Forestry Industry Agency.
Alba Rodríguez
Alegre Design
Alejandro González
Álvaro Valiño
Amalia Puga
Ana Vidal Ruiz de Velasco Ángela Moya
Angélica Barco Studio
Aníbal Hernández de la Fuente Anna & Eugeni Bach
Apéritif Studio (Marga Castaño) Apitropik
Arauna Studio / Rai Pinto Studio
Artsolut Estudio
Arturo Álvarez
Asier Iturralde Autofabricantes / Centro Celeo BIGD Design that Matters Boke Bazán
Brezo Rubín
Carlos Lorenzo cenlitrosmetrocadrado
Clavel Arquitectos
Cristina Daura
David Criado
David Gil
democràcia estudi Desescribir
Dídac Ballester
Diego Mir y Fase Studio Ekinoccio (Irene García / Raquel Boo)
Elsa Yranzo & Sebastian Alberdi Era Comunicación
Estrada Design
Estudio Menta
Estudio Paparajote
Estudio Pep Carrió
Estudio Vilablanch
Eugeni Quitllet
Folch | White Horse
Gallega Design Studio Gallén+Ibáñez&Co
Gimeno Gràfic
Goyo Rodríguez
Granada Barrero + LEBLUME Grande
Guillotina Estudio
Héctor Serrano, Raky Martínez, Alberto Martínez
Ibán Ramón Rodríguez
Idoia Cuesta
Inma Bermúdez
Irene Blasco
Ironeva (Irene Romero Nevado) Isidro Ferrer
ITEM designworks
Izaskun Chinchilla
Javier Jaén
Joanrojeski estudi creatiu Jorge Díaz
Jorge Martínez
Josep Gil
Juan Lázaro
García Karramarro (Diego Sanz) Kike Correcher
La Casa de Carlota & Friends La madre de los Beatles Lagranja Design
Lavernia & Cienfuegos LEBLUME
LZF lamps
Made Studio
Madrid In Love Studio
Mais Types. Marcos Dopico Marta Pérez Martínez
Martín Azúa
Mayice Studio
Mercedes de Bellard Meteorito
Moneo Brock
MUT Design
NM type
Nomad Garden & Antropoloops & Datrik intelligence Noviembre Estudio
Pancho Lapeña
Patricia Urquiola
Pedro Luis Alba
Pepe Barro
Quim Marin Studio + Stupen-dous Studio
Rafa Monge Design
Ricardo Alcaide ROJOmandarina
Rosana Monrós de Locandia Es-tudio
Rubio & del Amo
Selegna Design
Silvia Ceñal
Stone Designs
Studio Ingrid Picanyol
Think diseño
Tíscar Design
Tobal Sánchez
Tomás Alonso Studio Typerepublic
Un Mundo Feliz
Uqui Permui
Vanessa Peleteiro
Vicent Martínez Disseny Vicent Ramón
Ximo Roca Diseño
Xosé Teiga
Yinsen (Lorena Sayavera, María Pradera)
Zooco Estudio
Uqui Permui (DAG)
Ángel Martínez (ADCV)
Gloria Escribano (DIMAD)
Juan Lázaro (Cuenca Diseño)
Technical coordination
Brisna Zaragoza
Alicia Vázquez
Concha Moreno
CGAC Coordination
Christina Ferreira
Register of works
Teresa Jácome
Jesús Riveiro Costa, Interlingua Traduc-cións S. L.
Exhibition project
Enorme Studio
Carpintería: Victor Domínguez (Vidoga) Fabricado en Galicia, con madera Km 0 y el apoyo de la Agencia Gallega de la Industria Forestal
David Garabal (CGAC)