
From Spain With Design is a project of the Spanish Network of Design Associations (Red Española de Asociaciones de Diseño; READ), conceived collaboratively in the National Design Meetings as a tool for the projection of Spanish design at international level.


Are we a reflection of what we design?

From Spain With Design (FSWD) is an essential tool for extending and disseminating Spanish design at national and international level, to increase its visibility and to contribute to improving the Spain Brand.

For this editorial initiative, experts from different areas were invited to reflect on topics related to the project in order to create a corpus of critical mass that would allow us to approach a starting point and reflect the current panorama of Spanish design and opening it up to the world. Edited by Experimenta Editorial and coordinated by Juan Lázaro, Uqui Permui, Ángel Martínez and Gloria Escribano, it gives a voice to actors in the sector, whether they are companies, studios, entrepreneurs or institutions.

Texts are by Jordi Montaña / Xènia Viladàs / Miguel Zorraquino / Anxo López, Teresa Jular, Salvi Plaja. Xavi Calvo. DIARADESIGN, Marcelo Alegre / Alegre Design, Pablo Conde / ICEX, Victoria de Pereda, Nicola Cerantola, Gráficas en Negro, Laurent Ogel and Gemma de la Montaña and Juan Lázaro / Uqui Permui / Ángel Martínez and Gloria Escribano (FSWD Team). Teresa Riesgo Alcaide, Secretary General for Innovation of the Ministry of Science and Innovation and Adriana Moscoso del Prado, Director General of Cultural Industries, Intellectual Property and Cooperation, of the Ministry of Culture and Sport, contributed positions and ideas from their institutions.

This 178-page publication, bilingual in Spanish and English, reflects on the role of design and its professionals to bring us closer to the idea of how what we design is reflected in the image of the country. In short, an invitation to reflect on the present and future of social impact of this discipline.

FSWD recovers the spirit that made Spanish design a world reference in the 1980s/90s, proposing not only an in-depth debate on the activity but also a new starting point, to give it value in a context of extremely high global competitiveness, and as a discipline that is an ambassador for the Spain Brand.

Edition: 2020.
Experimenta Editorial
PVP: 25€


Edition: 2020.
Experimenta Editorial
PVP: 25€