Tras casi tres meses de itinerancia y más de 3.000 visitantes, FSWD: Identidad y Territorio se despide del Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo.
On Sunday 12 March the FSWD: Identity and Territory exhibition closed at the MEIAC in Badajoz, where it had been since 16 December 2022. The exhibition was a great success due to the numerous visits obtained as well as the interesting and important action of dissemination and promotion of design organised under the umbrella of FSWD by DIEX.
Over these three months, and not counting the month of March, which has not yet been included, over 3,000 visitors of all types and conditions passed through. A public that has come to learn about the reality of the most current Spanish design and that has been able to enjoy a montage in a singular space where the pieces have shone and dialogued with each other, generating subtle and interesting interactions.
The management of the MEIAC expressed their satisfaction with this design programme in a contemporary art space. For us it is something logical if we talk about contemporary creativity, but it is not so usual, and in the case of the MEIAC it was its first action with design. In view of the analysis of the results, the exhibition has opened up the museum’s spaces to new audiences, in a very interesting extension of quality cultural consumption that establishes new lines of action in current museography.
From READ we can only thank the MEIAC and all its staff, with whom it has been a pleasure to work and collaborate. Especially significant is our thanks to its director Catalina Pulido, and also to its curator Rocío Nicolás. We would also like to thank the effort and work developed by DIEX, with a fantastic programme during these months that has managed to connect public, professionals, companies and training entities. And superlative thanks to the Ministry of Culture of the Regional Government of Extremadura, and to its Secretary General Miriam Díaz Cabezas, a great ally of design.
Thanks to the city of Badajoz for their welcome, now with our bags packed, we are on our way to a new FSWD destination: the Laboral de Gijón.
Viva Badajoz! Puxa Asturies!
FSWD curatorial team: Juan Lázaro (Cuenca Diseño), Uqui Permui (DAG), Ángel Martínez (ADCV) and Gloria Escribano (DIMAD).